Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Medicinal Benefits of Soursop Leaf Traditional

Lately soursop leaf and mangosteen skin became very popular in the world of health. This is not out of the role of both in the world of medicine. This article about the benefits of mangosteen peel I have shared yesterday. Now we focus on discussing about the benefits of soursop leaves as a traditional medicine.

Soursop leaf is now recognized as a natural anticancer. This is because some of the compounds contained therein. In soursop fruit contains compounds acetogenins, annocatacin, annocatalin, annohexocin, annonacin, annomuricin, anomurine, anonol, caclourine, gentisic acid, gigantetronin, linoleic acid, muricapentocin which serves to boost immunity.

Benefits and Efficacy Soursop Leaf

Here are the benefits of soursop leaves can be used as a traditional medicine to treat various diseases and other health disorders.

Treating Cancer

Soursop leaves is said to have the power of 100 cycles of chemotherapy to fight cancer. Way, take 10 pieces of old soursop leaves which boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup, drink 2 times daily for 2 weeks. Soursop leaves can be used as a chemotherapy even more berkasiat because only kill cells that grow abnormally and let the cells grow normally.

Asthma Drugs and Shortness of Breath

Prepare 7 soursop leaves made by the ants nest rang-rang. Then squeeze the water and the capacity to reach more than half a glass. Drink every morning until your illness cured.

Treating Boils
Take some young soursop leaves as much as 5 to 10 strands then put in places exposed to a boil until it boils dry.

Cough Medicine Light

For mild cough, prepare seven young soursop leaves. Squeeze and water capacity. Drink every morning before any manyantap.

Treating Back Pain
Soursop leaves can also be used to cure back pain. The way provide 20 sheets of soursop leaf and then boiled with 5 cups of water to the use of live and drink 3 cups 1 3/4 cups a times.

Treating Eczema and Rheumatism

Crushed some soursop leaves until smooth and place or paste on the affected part to not feel pain anymore, usually must be made up to several days.

In addition to the leaves, soursop fruit also has benefits that are not less important. For the benefits of soursop fruit I will discuss in the next article.

Cassava Leaves Benefits for Health and Pregnant Women

Cassava leaves are the leaves of the cassava tree or also known as cassava, manioc or Telo. In Sundanese called sampeu the tuber is the main ingredient in the manufacture of fermented cassava (peuyeum).

Indonesian society has long been utilizing cassava leaves as a food ingredient, either as vegetables or vegetable made of cassava leaves. But not many know that cassava leaves contain many nutrients and health benefits.

Cassava Leaves for Health Benefits

According to Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma, a medicinal plant expert said that the pharmacological effect of cassava is as an antioxidant, anticancer, antitumor, and increase appetite. And here are some of the benefits of cassava leaves.

Good for Pregnant Women

Many asked whether cassava leaves good for pregnant women  My answer is yes, cassava leaves good for pregnant women. Because cassava leaves contain iron are high enough to be able to help pregnant women to avoid anemia.

Treating Fever & Headache
Provide 3 songkong leaves, then finely ground. Well, the result of collisions of cassava leaf was attached to the head as compressed.

Treating Diarrhea

To treat diarrhea, take 7 pieces of cassava leaves, then boiled in 4 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups. Strain the water and drink the potion 2 times a day. If the child has diarrhea is still nursing, then drank the potion that was his mother.

Eyes Blurred view

You got a problem with that as blurred vision  Treat with cassava leaf herb. How to boil cassava leaves with salt and garlic. After that cassava leaves eaten with rice as a salad.

Adding Appetite

If you are having difficulty eating, prepare then boiled cassava leaves to taste with salt and garlic. Then cassava leaves with rice and tomato sauce.

In addition to cassava leaves, like other parts of the cassava tubers and stems was also efficacious as a traditional medicine. For example, following the traditional recipe:

Treating Arthritis

Amino acid content in cassava was beneficial for bone health. The material is 100 grams of cassava stems, one stem lemongrass, 15 grams of ginger, then boiled in 1000 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc only. Drink filtered water as much as 200 cc, 2 times a day morning and afternoon.

Treating Worms

Aambil enough cassava bark, boiled in 3 cups water to boil until the remaining 1 cup, and filtered to take water, then drink at bedtime. By taking these medications from cassava, the worms in the stomach can be killed and make the body healthy again.

Taxable wound Heat

If your skin is injured due to hot oil or exhaust, do not panic. Take the cassava tuber, then shredded and squeeze the juice. Take a few moments to look the starches (like white flour) settles at the bottom. Use the starch that settles it as an ointment on the wound.

Content of Cassava Leaf Nutrition

Cassava leaves practically have a fairly complete nutritional content. Here's the nutritional adequacy rate in cassava leaves.

Leaf Nutrient Content of Cassava - Cassava Leaves

Serving Size 100 g (100 g)

    37 Calories from Fat 1.80
    Total Fat 0.20g
    Saturated Fat 0.00 g
    Cholesterol 0 mg
    Sodium 11 mg
    G Total Carbohydrates 7:30
    Dietary Fiber 0.6 g
    Protein 3.70 g
    Vitamin C
    Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
    Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
    Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
    Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)
    Vitamin B6

Well, that's some of the benefits and efficacy of cassava leaves for health and nutrient content results.

Benefits of Papaya Leaf For Traditional Medicine


Papaya is a plant that originated from the Americas Mexico to be exact. Papaya Carica papaya has the Latin name is entered in the family Caricaceae. Besides eaten just as the fruit is ripe, young papaya usual cooked as stir-fry.

Likewise with papaya leaves, often used as a condiment to eat fresh vegetables friends. However, the benefits of papaya leaf vegetables not only a friend to eat rice. Since time immemorial papaya leaves has been used as a traditional medicine that is able to cope with a variety of diseases. Some of the diseases that can be treated with herbs such as papaya leaf worms, malnutrition in infants, dengue fever, and menstrual pain. In fact, according to a recent study papaya also able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

In addition to the leaves, roots and tree sap papaya is also often used as a drug. Even the papaya seeds can also be used as a drug to treat intestinal worms. While flowers are often cooked as stir-fry.

Papaya Leaf Nutrient
Papaya leaves contain various substances, such as Vitamin A 18250 SI, 0.15 mg vitamin B1, vitamin C 140 mg, Calories 79 calories, 8.0 grams protein, 2 grams fat, 11.9 grams carbohydrate, 353 mg Calcium , phosphorus 63 mg, iron 0.8 mg, 75.4 grams of water. The content carposide on papaya efficacious as an anthelmintic.

Besides the leaves, roots and papaya latex also contains papayotin, karpain, kautsyuk, karposit and vitamins.

Benefits of Papaya Leaves for Health

Treating Dengue Fever

Dengue fever can be overcome by using papaya leaves. The trick take 5 pieces of papaya leaves or moderation then boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup only. Water rebusa papaya leaves is drunk as well. Should not be excessive in consuming papaya except if it is in an alarming stage.

Increasing Appetite

To increase appetite, prepare fresh papaya leaves palm-sized, a little salt, and half a cup of warm water. All the ingredients are mixed, pounded or blended, then filtered to take water and then drunk. This herb is safe, even for children though.

Treating Dysmenorrhea

Mixture of papaya leaves and tamarind, is quite effective in overcoming pain due dtang months. The trick, allow 1 papaya leaves, tamarind, salt to taste and water are mixed and boiled until cooked. For better efficacy should be drunk while warm.

Launched Digestion
The content in papaya called karpain very good for us because karpainlah digestive tract that help kill micro-organisms in the digestive disturb us. How to consume papaya leaves as a friend to eat rice or vegetables.

Anti Acne Mask

In addition to health benefits, papaya is also efficacious for beauty, especially in eliminating acne. How to use dried papaya leaves should be first, then crushed and mixed with water and then rubbed into the face as well as the mask in general.

Anticancer Compounds

From several studies described, stems and leaves of papaya contains a lot of milky white sap (milky white latex), which likely developed as anticancer, as quoted from the Journal of the Society of Biology. The sap is automatically obtained when we consume papaya leaves, cooked in any way.

Toddler Treat Stomach Pain

For mothers who have children flatulence pain, can be treated by using papaya leaf herb. You do provide 2 pieces of papaya leaves, petiole 3 dadap spare, whiting taste. All materials are ground together until smooth. Use as a powder and applied to the abdomen sick toddler.

Nutritional deficiencies in Toddlers

Carica papaya is rich in vitamins and minerals. If you are malnourished toddler use papaya leaves to overcome. Prepare 1 papaya leaves, washed and boiled with 1.5 cups of water to boiling, filtered to take water. Then drunk in toddlers two tablespoons every day.

Other Benefits

In addition to some of the above benefits, papaya leaves can also be used to soften the meat. If you want to cook the meat, so tender stew meat along with papaya leaves. But not too much because the taste will be bitter.

Well, that's some of the benefits of papaya leaves. In the next article I will discuss about the benefits of papaya fruit, seeds, flowers, roots and tree sap papaya.

Benefits and Nutrition pegagan leaves (antanan)

Pegagan crop also known by the name Antanan or hobble leaves. Pegagan has the Latin name Centella asiatica (Linn) and is included in the family Umbelliferae.

Pegagan leaf has sweet and cold properties. While the effect is anti-infection farmakologisnya, antitoxic, reducing heat, missiles urine. Due to the pharmacological effects pegagan for generations often used as a traditional medicine.

Kimiawinya content consisting of asiaticoside, thankuniside, isothankuniside, madecassoside, brahmoside, brahminoside, brahmic acid, madasiatic acid, meso-inositol, centellose, carotenoids, mineral salts such as salts of potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and iron tanning vellarine .
Benefits pegagan leaves for Medications

Here are some diseases that can be treated by using pegagan leaves as an ingredient of traditional medicine.

Take 20 pieces of leaves pegagan then boiled in 3 cups of water to be 3/4 of his. Ingredients drunk 3 times a day, each 3/4 cups.


Pegagan handful of fresh leaves pounded until smooth, then add a little water and salt, then sieve. Potable water in the morning before eating.


Take 4-5 bars following pegagan roots, then boiled with 2 cups of water for ± 5 minutes. Drinking this decoction regularly for a few days.


The first way, provide 30 grams - 60 grams of fresh pegagan. Wash and boil, and boiling water to drink. The second way, pegagan fresh washed, then crushed and pasted into the body of the sick.

Coughing up blood, vomiting blood, nosebleed
Take 60-90 grams of fresh pegagan then boiled or squeezed, then the water is drinkable.

Red eyes, swollen

Pegagan leaves can also be used as eyedrops. The trick was simple enough. Pegagan freshly washed, crushed, pressed, filtered water. Drops into the eye sore 3-4 times a day.


Take a handful of fresh pegagan full, then crushed, and squeezed the water. Add water and sugar to taste. Then drink ingredients at once.

Increase appetite

To increase your appetite, take 1 handful fresh pegagan leaves boiled with 2 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. Drinking water is boiled leaves pegagan 1 glass per day.

Benefits of leaf tea pegagan
Nutritious fresh tea leaves pegagan to raise appetite, refreshing, soothing, lower the heat, dry cough, removing worms in the stomach, nosebleeds.

Benefits lalap pegagan

Lalaban pegagan Cleaning nutritious fresh blood, especially in ulcers, bleeding ulcers. Reproduce bile, thus improving digestive disorders.

Difficult urination

If you are having difficulty urinating, take 30 grams of fresh pegagan. Crushed or finely mashed. Ingredient is pasted around the navel.


Take 3/4 handfuls pegagan washed, then boiled in 3 cups of water to be 3/4 of those visitors. Filter, having cold, drinkable water a day 3 times 3/4 cups.


To treat measles, take 60 -120 grams pegagan, washed and boiled. Then the boiling water to drink.

Swelling of the liver (liver)

Take 240 grams - 600 grams fresh pegagan, then boiled. After a cold, drink boiling water on a regular basis.

Okay, so he leaves some of the benefits and nutrients pegagan to traditional treatment. Hopefully, the information can be useful and add your insights.

Basil Leaf Health Benefits for Men and Women

Basil Ocimum basilicum latin name meaning aromatic plants. This refers to the special aroma that comes out of basil. In Indonesia basil is more often used as a complementary range of dishes to add flavor appetizing. One is the Pepes.

However, in addition to be used as cooking spices basil leaves is also beneficial for health. This is not the last of the compound content in it.

Basil leaves for Health Benefits
Well, below are some of the health benefits of basil for men and women.

1. Relieves fever & cold

Basil is able to relieve fever and colds suffered by toddlers. How do a few basil leaves, then diremas with shallots and coconut oil, then applied to the abdomen, chest, and back toddler.

2. healthy eyes and mouth

Vitamin A in the basil leaves have the ability to treat eye infections, relieving eye stress, and prevent interference on other points. Not only that, other mint leaves, basil already have bad breath refreshing effect if consumed.

3. Launches ASI

Fresh basil is believed to prevent body odor and bad breath, and facilitate breastfeeding. You can use as lalap friends eat rice and sambal.

4. Anti-inflammatory

Basil is an anti-inflammatory agent in charge potent cure swelling and soothe inflamed joints. Basil also include good sources of calcium needed to prevent osteoporosis bone.

5. menopause
Basil can delay menopause tryptophan as the substance content in basil may defer monopause. Therefore, consumption perbanyaklah basil if you want to postpone menopause mass.

6. Preventing a cough

In Thailand, basil is used as a cooking spice. In India and some regions in Africa, basil brewed into tea. Basil tea is served at the turn of the season, when locals attacked simple cough, runny nose, or fever.

7. Overcoming Whitish

Content compound eugenol in basil can kill the fungus causes vaginal discharge. So, when you experience vaginal discharge, be sure to regularly consume basil. lalap or can be mixed with other foods, such as Pepes.

8. Cells Stimulate Egg

Basil can help the maturation of the egg cell (ovulation) because nutrients stigmaasterol in basil stimulates the maturation of the egg cell (ovulation).

9. Inflammatory

Nutrients cineole, myrcene and eugenol found in basil acts as a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatories.

10. Healthy Heart

Based on some research, basil role in maintaining heart health because betakaroten and magnesium content. Both are essential minerals that work to maintain and preserve the health of the heart.

11. Overcome Stroke
Improve the function of the heart blood vessels (artery) in stroke patients because of isoflavone content in basil and also found in nuts such as soy, beans, peas, can improve the function of the heart blood vessel (artery) in stroke patients.

12. Other Benefits
The smoker can chew basil anytime when they want to smoke. With this, the strength of antioxidants can improve the system damaged by the effects of nicotine. Basil is also a powerful stress relieving, preventing diabetes, kidney stones and overcome.

Content basil leaves

Basil contain nutritional components and non-nutrient components that are very beneficial for the body.

Nutrition component basil leaves
Basil contains betakaroten (provitamin A) and vitamin C. Betakaroten role supports visual function, enhancing antibody response (affects immune function), protein synthesis to support the growth process, and as an antioxidant.

Vitamin C as well as other useful for the formation of collagen for wound healing and maintain skin elasticity, helps the absorption of calcium and iron, antioxidants, preventing the formation of a nitrosamin carcinogenic (causing cancer).

Collagen is a protein compound that affects the integrity of the cell structure of the connective tissue, such as cartilage, bone matrix, tooth dentin, capillary membranes, skin, and tendons (muscle veins). Basil is rich in minerals macro, namely calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Calcium is important for bone formation and growth, the transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contractions help, and help activate the enzyme reaction.

Phosphorus plays a role in bone growth, helps in the absorption and transport of nutrients, regulate the balance of acid and alkaline. Magnesium helps in relaxing the heart and blood vessels, to facilitate blood flow.

Non-Nutrient Components basil leaves
Basil leaves also contain other components nongizi between flavonoid and eugenol, arginine, anetol, boron, and essential oils. Flavonoids and eugenol acts as an antioxidant, which can neutralize free radicals, neutralize cholesterol and anticancer nature.

Antimicrobial compounds are also capable of preventing the entry of bacteria, viruses, or fungi that are harmful to the body. Very nice basil eugenol consumed by women because of his kills fungus causes vaginal discharge.

Her arginine can strengthen the resilience of the sperm and prevent infertility. Anetol and boron compounds are also very instrumental in reproductive health care for men and women.

Anetol and boron can stimulate estrogen and androgen hormones work, as well as prevent bone pengeroposan. Estrogen and androgen hormones play a role in the female reproductive system.

Essential oils are volatile and biological activity as antimicrobial. Essential oils are divided into two components, namely the components of hydrocarbons and hydrocarbon components teroksigenasi or phenol. Phenol has a very strong antimicrobial properties.

Essential oils can prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enteritidis, and Escherichia coli. Essential oils can also ward off infections caused by viruses Basillus subtilis, Salmonella paratyphi, and Proteus vulgaris.

Her eugenol can kill fungus causes vaginal discharge. And stigmasterol to stimulate ovulation (the maturation of the egg cell). Component of its tannins and zinc can reduce the secretion of vaginal fluids, while the amino acid tryptophan can delay menopause. Components such as flavonoids orientin and vicenin in basil can protect the cell structure of the body. Meanwhile, the flavonoid components such as cineole, myrcene and eugenol beneficial as a natural antibiotic and anti-inflammatories.

Vemale.com (Nutrition basil leaves - Annisa)
Merdeka.com (5 health benefits of basil - Rizqi Adnamazida)
Health.kompas.com (citing benefits basil leaves - Asep Candra; Prof DR Made Astawan Member of Food Technology and Nutrition, Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB))

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Moringa Leaf Benefits for Health and Nutrition Source

 You must have heard the proverb that says "The world is not as wide as the Moringa". Proverb arose because of Moringa leaves have a small enough size. But do not judge anything from looks alone. Due to the fact that, despite its small size Moringa leaves are stored and nutrient benefits enormous.

Several studies have revealed that the vitamin content in the leaves of Moringa seven times more than oranges and 4 times that of carrots. The content potassiumnya 3 times that of a banana. And in calcium equivalent of four glasses of milk. I think you have to say wooow for some facts that you just read.

But unfortunately, in Indonesia is not much use of Moringa leaves as a source of nutrients. New recorded eastern Indonesia such as Nusa Tenggara utilizing Moringa leaves to be consumed. I took the picture at the top of my facebook friends (people NTB) who upload Moringa leaf vegetable diet.

Nutritional Content of Moringa Leaves

Nutrient content in the leaves of Moringa is apparently not messing around. 100 grams of protein in Moringa leaves equivalent nutrients of protein in one egg. In fact, other studies have shown a very surprising result when compared with other nutrient-rich foods.

The results of the comparison with the Moringa leaves other foodstuffs in the same amount (grams) showed the following results:
  1. Moringa leaves contain seven times the vitamin C of vitamin C in citrus fruits, 
  2. contains vitamins A four-fold vitamin A in carrots,
  3. calcium on the calcium equivalent of Moringa leaves in four glasses of milk,
  4. potassium content equivalent to that contained in the three bananas,
  5. protein content equivalent to the protein in the two yogurt
  6. in addition, Moringa leaf powder contains higher protein than fresh Moringa leaf is 20-26 grams per 100 grams.
Benefits of Moringa Leaves for Drugs

Here are some benefits of Moringa leaves as a traditional medicine to cure various diseases:
Ringworm (herpes) and ulcers

How: Mash moringa leaf with lime, then smeared on the wound was the result of the collision / ringworm.

Drug Rabun Chicken

How: 3 handles Moringa leaves finely ground, brewed with 1 cup cooking water and filtered. Then mixed with honey and stir until evenly distributed. Laludiminum once a day before bedtime.
Jaundice Medicines

How: 3-7 hilt moringa leaves, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 cup of green coconut water. Moringa leaves finely ground, were given 1 cup of coconut water and filtered. Then add 1 tablespoon of honey and stir until evenly distributed. Drunk, and performed regularly until healed.

Drugs Worms

How: 3 handles moringa leaves, 1 handle of leaves chili, 1-2 stems meniran. All the ingredients are boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered. Water to drink every day.

Eye Pain Medication

How: Three butt of Moringa leaves. Moringa leaves finely ground, were given 1 cup of water and stir until evenly distributed. Then allowed to stand for a moment until the waste is deposited. Water is used as a herb eye drops.

Difficult urination

How: One spoon of Moringa leaf juice and cucumber juice or grated carrots that have been in the same amount. The materials are mixed and supplemented with 1 cup of water, then filtered. Taken daily.

Biduren drugs (allergy)

How: 1-3 hilt moringa leaves, 1 red onion and fennel pulasari taste. All the ingredients are boiled in 3 cups water to boil down to 2 cups, then filtered. Taken 2 times a day 1 cup, morning and afternoon.

Rheumatism and sore rheumatic drugs

How: 2-3 hilt moringa leaves, 1/2 tablespoon whiting. The second material is finely ground. Used for ointment (param).

Given the nutritional content and benefits of Moringa leaves are so big. Looks like we already have to start promoting Moringa leaves as our daily food.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Benefits Leaves distance, Seed and Gum Tree Fruit Distance Distance

Some time ago we shocked by a discovery that jatropha seed oil can be used as a substitute for fuel oil. When it's busy-busy people in rural tree planting distance. But now somehow fate. It is not clear at all.

But clearly, since time immemorial our ancestors have been utilizing Jatropha trees for traditional medicine. Almost all parts of the tree can be a useful distance from the start to the roots, sap, leaves to the fruit seed spacing.

It is certainly not without reason. Several other research states that Jatropha contains several compounds that the body needs to treat various diseases.

The content of Jatropha

Here are some of the compounds contained in the plant distance starting from the root, stem, sap, leaves to the seeds:
  1. Jatropha Plant sap: contains flavonoids and saponins and jatrophie content that is antifungal. 
  2. On the leaves of Jatropha found kaemfesterol compound, sitosterol, stigmasterol, Amirin and teraksrol.
  3. While the seeds of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) has been found to the content of β-glucanase which have antifungal activity, toksalbumin and curcin that not only has activity as an antifungal, but the chemical content is also useful as anticancer (Ditjenbun, 2007).
  4. Dregs of Castor Seeds that have been squeezed oil contains nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.
  5. Leather Trunk Jatropha contains tannins, waxes, resins and saponins.

Distance For Health Benefits

Well, the following are the properties of the castor oil plant leaves begin to sap that has been commonly used as a traditional medicine by our ancestors.

Whitish on the baby's tongue

In infants who are breastfeeding, there is usually a whitish attached to the ceiling of the tongue. This causes the baby reluctant to breastfeed and her weight tends to go up. To overcome this we can use the sap of the leaves of Jatropha. Usually the distance freshly picked leaves will issue a sap on the leaf stalk. Apply the sap on the tongue and whitish baby will come out with saliva.

Treating inflammation of the ear

Ear inflammation can occur due to Influenza sudden marked increase body temperature, pain in the ears, such as buzzing little deaf. To fix this, take half a tablespoon of Jatropha latex then dropped as much as 6 drops into the child's ear, should be done 6 times a day until healed.

Pain medication cavities

Distance sap is antimicrobial so it can get rid of bacteria such as the type of staphylococcus, streptococcus and Escherechia coli and can be used to treat pain due to dental cavities. You do this by taking the distance of nodes using a cotton swab, then placed on the tooth cavities. (Hariyono and Soenardi, 2005).

Drug Thrush

Break the stem of the tree distance freshly picked, there will be little sap that comes out. The sap that is directly dioelskan are canker sores in the mouth. When the sap has not come out, push a little at the end of the stem (Ditjenbun, 2007).

Stomach Bloating and wind Login

When sudden infant diarrhea and stomach bloating due to colds, take a few leaves of Jatropha old. Then weeded through the flame and let wilt slightly smeared coconut oil, or eucalyptus oil Telon. After that attached to the bottom of the abdomen and waist. Allow a few hours, will usually occur immediately exhaust gases and substances that are not useful from the stomach.


If you experience constipation, quotation 4 leaves fresh jatropha because it serves as a mild laxative. Rinse, then steamed until wilted and eat the leaves that have been steamed for 7 consecutive days or until the disease is reduced or lost constipation.

Sores, fungus, and Itching

Look for the original castor oil (commonly available in the Artisan sequence). Then heated first. After the dye with cotton and apply on the affected skin. Castor seed oil should not be swallowed as it contains toxins that are harmful to human health.

Wounds and Bleeding

Drug Injury: 2 teaspoons of Castor Oil, ¼ teaspoon of sulfur, a finger wooden hand Secang / Sandalwood, 2 Tablespoon Vaseline, it is heated or sauté and stir well, let cool briefly before application to the wound.

New wounds bleed can be stopped immediately by the latex of Jatropha trees because they are Anti Microbial Infections like Bethadine to expel / Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Escherichia coli.

Rheumatic Drugs

Take the leaves of Jatropha old and fresh, washed clean and smooth mashed with water. Rub the affected parts of the body affected by arthritis or exim, itching, etc.. Or it could be compressed and leave it for a couple of hours ago dignti with a new one.

Treating cough and phlegm dilute

Take sufficient distance tree roots, then cleaned and boiled with 7 cups water to boiling and the remaining 2 cups. Drink the cooking water in the morning and evening. Repeat up to 3 times a decoction of the roots of the newly replaced new.

Enlarge penis

In addition to some of the benefits above, there is another benefit of Jatropha most sought after by men, namely enlarging the penis. The trick is, provide 10 pieces of leaves along the stem distance and the orange juice. Both pounded until smooth. Previous did massaging the penis with olive oil until warm. Afterwards massage performed with this medicine. One herb is used to massage three times.

Okay that he leaves some of the benefits of Jatropha and its sap and seeds. May be useful for the needy.